For the past 25 years, Wind Spirit Art and Gallery in Powell River and partner studio in Masset has managed the production, framing, marketing and distribution of the work of Aboriginal artists including its owner, Haida artist, April White. A successful business, the gallery has an international reputation with loyal and dedicated clients. April White’s commitment to the history of her ancestors and a hard-working tenacious attitude in the modern day business environment has helped her to flourish. Part of a cooperative working style, the Gallery provides a community for the creation of high quality native crafted art.
Award Year: 2009
Tibor Baldauf
Tibor Baldauf, a positive mentor and gifted coach, has inspired and challenged youth on the Sunshine Coast to achieve excellence in their sporting endeavours and in their lives. For over 25 years, has volunteered as a coach with the Chinook Swim Club, instilling in each athlete a strong work ethic matched with a sense of confidence. With his background as an Olympic-level athlete, Tibor has motivated three generations of athletes on the Sunshine Coast where he is honoured and respected as an outstanding role model.
Gordon Hall
While a student at Maple Ridge Secondary School, Gordon Hall was well known for his commitment to the betterment of the student body and the community in which he lived. His efforts with literacy, environmental projects, student leadership and fundraising initiatives inspired younger students and served as an excellent role model. Always the first to volunteer, Gordon was an asset to all organizations in which he participated. Now a first year university student at the University of Northern British Columbia, Gordon’s excellent communication skills and his compassion will enable him to follow his goal to make a positive difference in the lives of others.
Marylynn Rakuson
Marylynn Rakuson is an inspiration to her community because of her support for healthcare programs and organizations in her region. Marylynn has served on the Trail Community Health Council, the Trail Hospital Auxiliary, Interior Health’s Clinical Ethics Committee and several cancer-related groups. Marylynn, an area representative for the West Kootenay Boundary Hospital Auxiliaries for the Health Association of BC, is also a determined advocate for accessibility within the City of Trail. All these commitments are a testament to her desire to better the quality of life for her fellow residents.
Angelique Merasty Levac
Angelique Merasty Levac, a Métis, has revitalized the artistic tradition of birch bark biting and found an entrepreneurial home for her craft and the works of other First Nations in her store, Angelique’s Native Arts. Located in Prince George, the business has been in operation for 14 years. The ability to marry artistic endeavours with an entrepreneurial spirit while meeting the demands of the market place is an excellent role model. Angelique’s talents and success will inspire the next generation of Aboriginal creativity and entrepreneurship.
Chinook Cove Contracting
Established in 1998, Chinook Cove Contracting Ltd. is a forestry business specializing in timber harvesting and silviculture operations. Moving into Right of Way clearing for pipeline development, allowed the company to diversify its business and it continues today to be a reliable brushing contractor working with major BC and Alberta industries. Chinook Cove is also well-known for its outstanding safety practices. The company supports the Simpcw First Nation, through continued opportunity for education, training and employment in industries working in traditional territories.
Pamela Beech
Pamela Beech has tireless energy, a very bright smile and most importantly, is always thinking, guiding and moving along ideas to make her community of Sicamous a better place. With special focus on youth and seniors, healthy living, addictions and mental health education, Pam directly effects the health and well-being of her Okanagan community. Pam has been an active member of the Eagle Valley Community Support Society, the Eagle Valley Sports and Leisure Association and the Shushwap Lake Hospital Foundation. We are honouring today Pam’s ‘can-do’ attitude, her spirit and her compassion for the quality of life in her community.
Patrick Kelly
Patrick Kelly is one of those unique people in our society who cares with such intensity that he is always involved and willing to help. A member of Leq:amel in the Sto-lo Nation, he applies the leadership lessons learned from his grandmother to all his community involvements:… think deeply…have humility… and patience. Patrick has a 34-year history of working in executive and board roles with community, non-profit, public and private organizations. Appointed a Lay Bencher with the Law Society of BC in 2002, Patrick has also served his First Nation community, the Mission area, the BC Buildings Corporation, United Way of the Lower Mainland and Vancouver Community College.
John Ridley
John Ridley has been a constant champion of the BC Children’s Hospital fundraising initiatives both as a professional and a volunteer. John is instrumental in the production, promotion and success of the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation’s Miracle Weekend telethon, an annual event that has raised more than $100million over the past 11 years. John is also an active supporter of the Variety Club and Big Brothers Big Sisters organizations. John is called an ‘unsung hero’ as he works quietly and effectively behind the scenes to ensure the success of all with which he is associated. John Ridley brings his outstanding leadership, positive attitude and unique brand of creative thinking for the benefit of children and families in BC.
BC General Contracting Inc.
BC General Contracting Inc.|2|Westbank|BC General Contracting Inc. is a civil contracting company, located in Westbank, which provides excavation and installation services for commercial and municipal water projects including roads, water and sewer installation. Since its inception in 2001, the company has grown from a two excavator company providing strictly excavation services to a 41 piece multi-faceted business. BC General Contracting Inc. is now venturing into construction of multi-family real estate development.