Photo: 2022 Indigenous Business Award Gala, TELUS attendees
TELUS is one of BC Achievement’s newest program sponsors and it’s not a stretch to see how values align when it comes to supporting Indigenous success in BC.
Recently, TELUS published its 2022 Indigenous Reconciliation and Connectivity Report that shares updates on their public Indigenous Reconciliation Action Plan, and highlights stories of inspiration on how connectivity and modern technology enable transformative outcomes for Indigenous businesses and communities.
In 2021 TELUS became the first Canadian technology company to publish an Indigenous Reconciliation Action Plan (IRAP), formalizing their team’s commitment to reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples. “Guided by Indigenous-led frameworks of reconciliation, Indigenous Ways of Knowing and voices – including a new advisory council – the plan is based on four pillars where we believe we can drive meaningful change. By deepening our understanding of the intersections between reconciliation and our business, we are supporting the success of Indigenous Peoples in the ways they want to be supported by TELUS.” TELUS President and CEO Darren Entwistle and Executive Vice President and COO Tony Geheran.

TELUS’ four guiding pillars drive the organization’s commitment to reconciliation as envisioned through connectivity, enabling social outcomes, cultural responsiveness and economic reconciliation. Helping create stronger, healthier communities for long-term success is a mutual goal that TELUS and BC Achievement share. By identifying exceptional Indigenous practices whether through entrepreneurship, community service or artistic practices, BC Achievement’s programs endeavour to showcase and elevate the best of BC. And in doing so, inspire others to strive for and achieve success in their fields which, in turn, helps build and strengthen communities.
Thanks to the support of @TELUS and its Optik TV Indigenous Voices Channel 126, BC Achievement was able to broadcast all three of our 2022 Indigenous program presentation ceremonies, including the First Nations Art Award ceremony, the Indigenous Business Award Gala and the BC Reconciliation Award ceremony to audiences across BC. In addition, through TELUS’ partner @Vidflex, we were able to live-stream these ceremonies and directly connect with recipients’ families and communities. We are grateful to TELUS for its engagement with the foundation’s Indigenous programming and look forward to a continued relationship aligning our collective values on the reconciliation journey. Thank you for joining with us to elevate excellence, share success and inspire change.
“Bridging the gap between the two worlds through the reconciliation efforts of both Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples builds the relationships needed for the journey. By recognizing the truths of past wrongs and showcasing examples of how to make things right, others will be inspired to follow.” BC Achievement Foundation board member, Cloy-e-iis, Dr. Judith Sayers
BC Achievement: Elevate Excellence. Share Success. Inspire Change.