Ambo Dhaliwal devotes time and energy to the betterment of her community. Arriving in Kamloops in 1952 as a young bride, Vancouver-born Ambo quickly saw the need to bridge the cultures of Canadian-born and newly arrived Indo-Canadians. She provided integration needs long before these services were available to new immigrants. A founding member of Kamloops Multicultural Society forty years ago, she still plays an active role and regards diversity and multiculturalism as necessary to the health of a community. She is longtime member of the Kamloops Cariboo Immigrant Services Society and the Ladies Evening Auxiliary of Royal Inland Hospital. Volunteerism is Ambo’s way of life…she is a role model for her family AND…for the wider community.

BC Achievement is an independent foundation established in 2003 that honours excellence and inspires achievement in British Columbia.
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