Chief Gordon Planes

Hya-Quatcha, British Columbia

Since 2007 Chief Planes has been the Chief of the T’Sou-ke First Nation. He has boldly embarked on a 100 year process to build a new community vision, one that fosters a healthy Indigenous population with a focus on four pillars: autonomy, food security, cultural renaissance and economic development. Under Chief Planes’ expert leadership the T’sou-ke Nation is emerging as a leader in renewable and green energy for future generations. In the last few years they have launched a solar micro-grid demonstration project, and currently operate wasabi and oyster farms. The community generates electricity from solar power through a demonstration project launched over a decade ago that is so successful that the T’Sou-ke Nation offers tours to people all over the world. The community’s success has been attributed to Chief Planes’ focus on long-term sustainability, rather than personal profit, as the Chief explains: “It’s all about future generations.”


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