As a grade eight student, Christopher Lee co-founded the Helping Hearts Youth Foundation. Now, two years later, Helping Hearts has grown into an ambitious youth-led non-profit, attracting over one hundred volunteers. Christopher serves as a mentor onboarding younger students who are experiencing their first service events while fostering a safe and welcoming atmosphere. Christopher mobilizes Helping Hearts’ volunteers and leads fundraising efforts which have exceeded $30,000. His team facilitates various community events and distributes back-to-school care packages to numerous elementary schools.
Additionally, Helping Hearts has provided meals in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside and is collaborating with the Vancouver School Board to establish a tutoring program for marginalized elementary students. Alongside his entirely youth-organized executive team, Christopher leads consistent and sustainable initiatives. His hands-on approach reflects his concern for all participants, promptly addressing issues and staying until the last task is completed. Christopher has ignited a culture of service within his organization, inspiring youth to engage in meaningful community service while making a difference.