In 2006, David Lemon founded the non-profit Health Arts Society (BC), which through its Concerts in Care program has become one of the largest performing arts organizations in the province. It has now reached over 600,000 people in care facilities, mostly frail elders. This often-overlooked segment of the population, on its inevitable trajectory of ageing, has been able to enjoy in their residences exceptional concerts typically performed by one to four paid musicians. During the pandemic these were facilitated through online streaming, making the concerts even more accessible.
David has attracted significant involvement from some of Canada’s best known concert artists, arts organizations, luminaries, funders, and volunteers. He, and his colleagues have raised the funds needed to deliver top-notch musical experiences to individuals who might not otherwise be able to enjoy them. David has also led replication of the BC society’s success throughout Canada. Now there are seven sister societies covering ten provinces, gathered together under a national association, of which David is founder and chair.