Xwalacktun’s work has changed the artistic and physical landscape both within Canada and internationally through a range of commissions, community endeavors, and exhibitions. In Scotland, poles stand as a symbol of friendship between Europe and Canada. Throughout Salish territory, Xwalacktun’s pieces – created in a variety of mediums: wood, concrete, metal, rock – can be found on top of mountains, in parks, at elementary, secondary and post-secondary institutions, in communities and in museums. Lovingly referred to as “The Boss”, this Master artist has influenced thousands of emerging artists through the school systems inspiring them to connect with their creative spirit. Fluent in multiple forms of First Nation’s design, Xwalacktun shares both his cultural knowledge and innovation while ensuring each piece speaks to important themes such as interconnectedness, community, and environmental awareness. His relaxed teaching approach, combined with his commitment to excellence, both inspires and stretches students to experiment, communicate, and connect with their audiences.

BC Achievement is an independent foundation established in 2003 that honours excellence and inspires achievement in British Columbia.
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